Seven Core Components of the Psychology of Teamwork

So what does it take to build an effective team? According to the TESI (Team Emotional and Social Intelligence) Model, there are seven skills that will contribute to effective team functioning: 1. Team Identity A group with a strong team identity demonstrates belongingness, a desire to work together, and a sense of clarity around the... Continue Reading →

Blame Yourself, No One Else

“The man said, “The woman whom You gave to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I ate”- Genesis 3:12 When things go wrong, the natural tendency is to look for someone to blame. You can go all the way back to the Garden of Eden on this one. When God asked... Continue Reading →

Pain Is The Best Teacher

Pain isn’t so bad. While i'm not a believer in the phrase, "no pain, no gain", I do believe that as a society, we have the wrong way of looking at pain. We're taught that pain is bad, and to get angry or discouraged when we experience pain, discomfort, or setbacks. Pain is not natures... Continue Reading →

Accept Growth

“Those who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who actually do” - Steve Jobs. Growth isn’t easy, but thankfully today, I’m going to give you some essential tips to help you become a better you. FOLLOW THEM, yet feel free to adapt to your liking: Set Crystal Clear... Continue Reading →

5 Ways To Finally Open Up

The word "open" is used a lot. Many of us first heard it when we were very small and someone was hovering over us with a spoonful of strained food in their hand and urging us to open up wider. Over the years, you've probably heard others say "open up." Open your heart, open your... Continue Reading →

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