Lost Royalty & Found Wisdom

Embarking on a journey that transcends fairy tales, Siddhartha Gautama's path from palace opulence to profound enlightenment is a testament to the power of sacrifice and self-discovery. In the corridors of a lavish palace, Siddhartha's story begins, shielded from life's harsh realities by the veil of privilege. Driven by an inner calling, Siddhartha escapes the... Continue Reading →

Embracing The Pain

In 2008, I hit rock bottom, losing my job and grappling with excess weight. It was a tough period, but it's where my faith journey truly began. This is my story: The following year, despite enduring over 40 job interviews, I remained unemployed. Yet, I pressed on, relying on my unwavering faith and the belief... Continue Reading →


If you’re life is stagnant I want you to do this right now: 🔹Delete IG and follow the steps below for the next 6 months!🔹 Define your goals and priorities: Take the time to reflect on what success means to you personally. Set clear and specific goals that align with your values, passions, and interests.... Continue Reading →

My Definition Of Hell

Somebody once told me the definition of hell: “On your last day on earth, the person you became will meet the person you could have become.” Ever since I embraced that future possible reality and felt the regret that I would feel knowing that I did not do what I was put on this earth... Continue Reading →

Blame Yourself, No One Else

“The man said, “The woman whom You gave to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I ate”- Genesis 3:12 When things go wrong, the natural tendency is to look for someone to blame. You can go all the way back to the Garden of Eden on this one. When God asked... Continue Reading →

Pain Is The Best Teacher

Pain isn’t so bad. While i'm not a believer in the phrase, "no pain, no gain", I do believe that as a society, we have the wrong way of looking at pain. We're taught that pain is bad, and to get angry or discouraged when we experience pain, discomfort, or setbacks. Pain is not natures... Continue Reading →

7 Signs of a Victim Mentality

This definitely won’t be an easy read, but the reality is, you could be living your life with a “victim mentality” that will eventually strip away all your potential. Read slides below to get a better understanding of if you fall into the victim category. I really pray these have helped you better identify if... Continue Reading →

The Truth Hurts

There’s a very powerful healing process that happens when you accept your truth. “What dies that mean? Accepting your truth” Here’s an example: let’s say when you were a kid, you had an experience with a dog, where when you went to pet them, they snapped at you. That could be taken as negative. As... Continue Reading →

5 Ways To Finally Open Up

The word "open" is used a lot. Many of us first heard it when we were very small and someone was hovering over us with a spoonful of strained food in their hand and urging us to open up wider. Over the years, you've probably heard others say "open up." Open your heart, open your... Continue Reading →

Get To Your First 10k on IG

A Real Story and Strategy "Instagram now has more than 700 million members. Your customers and referral partners are there. Here's how to turn those casual browsers into followers and business." - Tim Roberts   I started like everybody else on Instagram with no followers. In the brief span of just 28 weeks, I accumulated... Continue Reading →

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