Lost Royalty & Found Wisdom

Embarking on a journey that transcends fairy tales, Siddhartha Gautama's path from palace opulence to profound enlightenment is a testament to the power of sacrifice and self-discovery. In the corridors of a lavish palace, Siddhartha's story begins, shielded from life's harsh realities by the veil of privilege. Driven by an inner calling, Siddhartha escapes the... Continue Reading →


Forgiveness is pretty multifaceted. Think of forgiveness as a gift that everyone deserves, but not everyone will accept. Let’s say you know the person you are trying to forgive will… A) never forgive youB) never accept your forgiveness In this case, please follow these 3 steps. The Letter (to them): in this letter, I want... Continue Reading →

Gluttony – The Most Overlooked Sin

Gluttony seems to be a sin that Christians like to ignore. We are often quick to label smoking and drinking as sins, but for some reason gluttony is accepted or at least tolerated. Many of the arguments used against smoking and drinking, such as health and addiction, apply equally to overeating. Many believers would not... Continue Reading →

Blame Yourself, No One Else

“The man said, “The woman whom You gave to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I ate”- Genesis 3:12 When things go wrong, the natural tendency is to look for someone to blame. You can go all the way back to the Garden of Eden on this one. When God asked... Continue Reading →

New Year, New Habits

“New Year, New You” is the biggest crock of shit you can possibly subject yourself too. Here’s a better idea “New Year, So I better stop falling into old habits or my life will virtually be on repeat” I have also heard people say “fake it till you make it”. That is a simply ridiculous... Continue Reading →

7 Signs of a Victim Mentality

This definitely won’t be an easy read, but the reality is, you could be living your life with a “victim mentality” that will eventually strip away all your potential. Read slides below to get a better understanding of if you fall into the victim category. I really pray these have helped you better identify if... Continue Reading →

How I Prioritize My Food

READ MORE BELOW There are people who have no lower body, yet remain healthy and successful. I know folks with only single limbs, and still are incredibly strong and fit. I recall many special needs adults, who taught me I some of the most valuable lessons in life. Patience, understanding, meekness. Listen, here’s the reality,... Continue Reading →

The Glucose Trap

75% of the processed food that exists today, didn’t exist 50 years ago. Here is the REAL issue with today’s food… It’s zero fibercauses inflammationspikes sugarisn’t nutrient densecan cause eating addictionmakes you want to eat moredoesn’t provide long term energy As shown above, when you eat food that digests quickly, your body is placed in... Continue Reading →

Different Ways to Make Progress in Gym

Listen, I will tell you straight up, it’s NOT about having the craziest workout or lifting the most weight or ever doing super intense cardio. ⁣⁣It’s about strategy!⁣⁣And right now, before you hit the gym again, I want you to learn and try at least 1 of these 6 tips. ⁣⁣Enjoy!

Get To Your First 10k on IG

A Real Story and Strategy "Instagram now has more than 700 million members. Your customers and referral partners are there. Here's how to turn those casual browsers into followers and business." - Tim Roberts   I started like everybody else on Instagram with no followers. In the brief span of just 28 weeks, I accumulated... Continue Reading →

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